速報APP / 房屋與房產 / Heart Home

Heart Home





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Heart Home(圖1)-速報App


HEART-HOME is a HEritage ART HOME. It is a home for all kinds of heritage art. Various art products which touched our heart because of its rich cultural content, an aroma of tradition and carved by the earth mother together with the god of time.

HEART-HOME is an art coming from the heart. To ancient Egyptians, the heart is the seat of emotion, thought, will and intention. The Chinese character for “heart”, “xin” means the “mind”, the “core”, “the spirit”, the “consciousness” or the “Centre” of human being.

Thus, we DON’T create mainly by brain but we bring contents from the past into modern world to deliver rich emotions and meaning for our life which cheer up our heart, our true existence.


HEART-HOME keep developing, innovating designs and variety of products. Our motto is “bringing the aroma of the past/tradition” into modern world by merging with the “out of the box” material or designs.

Heart Home(圖2)-速報App

Our range of products :

• Home furniture

• Interior design

• Wooden houses

• Flooring

• Home accessories

Heart Home(圖3)-速報App

• Cloth

• Other art works or ornament.